If ever a post needed to go in the “Bitching and Moaning” category, this is that post

If this site still had any regular readers in April, I’m sure that our not having posted in over a month has chased the last of them away. That having been said, if there are any of you still out there and reading this, I suppose some sort of explanation is owed.

As I’m sure most of you are aware, I’m in a Ph.D. mathematics program, so I don’t exactly have a lot of spare time to begin with. Add to that the fact that I’m a fundamentally lazy person and it’s a miracle that I ever wrote as much as I did the last few years (well, to be honest, the only reason I did was because blogging was a more guilt-free form of procrastination than laying on my bed or watching television). As if graduate school weren’t difficult enough, I had the added stress this semester of having to study for my qualifying exams, which happened in late April (and which I passed, incidentally). So I think that more or less explains why I haven’t been blogging much recently…except for the fact that I passed my orals nearly a month ago and haven’t written a blog post since then. My only explanation for that is that I needed nearly a week to celebrate passing, at least two weeks to reassemble my life from the neglect and abuse of months of studying and a week of celebrating, and the last week to drive most of the way across the country and go to my brother’s graduation (not quite in that order).

Which last little tidbit speaks to why Curt hasn’t been blogging either. Between writing/defending his senior thesis, taking various proficiency exams, finals, graduation and the requisite celebration that accompanies completing all of these tasks successfully, he’s been quite busy of late as well. Oh, and add in dealing with academic and governmental bureaucracies on two different continents in his spare time.

Anyway, the point is that we’ve both been just about as busy as we’ve ever been recently. We’ve both got some more unstructured time at present, so the blogging may get more frequent again, but I’ve got this niggling little issue of a dissertation to write and Curt’s starting a job in a couple of months that may or may not be particularly time-consuming but which will certainly make blogging more difficult (I’ll let him share the details if he feels like it).

I guess what I’d like to say is that I hope (and I think Curt does as well) to post here more frequently in the future, but that I don’t want to make any promises, given that there are higher priorities in my life that demand rather a lot of time and mental energy.

And yes, I know the archives link below the banner is broken. There seem to be extremely complicated .htaccess issues associated with this, along with some weird behavior of WordPress 2.0.2, which I had to upgrade to in order finally to do something about the thousands of spam comments we get here anymore. I’ll work on it someday.

8 Responses to “If ever a post needed to go in the “Bitching and Moaning” category, this is that post”

  1. Andy Stedman Says:

    Congrats to both of you.

    If you think you have no time now, just wait until you reproduce.

  2. Aaron Says:

    I think you owe your regular readers more than that, like a daily post.

  3. Aaron Says:

    Archives link works fine for me.

  4. shonk Says:

    Oh, the archives link goes to a real page, it’s just that the page only has archives up to March, 2005.

  5. shonk Says:
    If you think you have no time now, just wait until you reproduce.

    I don’t think that’s in either of our short-term plans. Or even medium-term, to be honest.

  6. Andy Stedman Says:

    Good thinking. Just make sure you pass on those tall, smart genes eventually.

  7. Ross Says:

    just wanted to let you know that i still procrastinate from my own graduate work by checking to see if you have posted anything lately. congrats on passing your qualifiers!

  8. tom Says:

    that makes two of us!I am halfway through my finals and selling waves remains on my procrastination wheel

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