Katrina redux
I have no interest in joining the ranks of the Katrinapundits other than to express my disappointment with those who seem to have more interest in playing the political blame game than in doing good. That having been said, over the last few days I’ve amassed an extensive collection of more or less interesting links that I’ve been sharing here and there and which I may want to access sometime in the future, so it seems reasonable to consolidate them here:
- Katrina Help Wiki
- “Why are you still here?” “None of your fucking business.”
- Even a cop joins in the looting
- More of the same (part of an amazing Hurricane LiveJournal, with an emphasis on the “live” part)
- Video of same (WMV)
- Before/after satellite photos
- DIY drinking water
- A picture says a thousand words
- Anarchy in the French Quarter
- Colleges offering aid, housing, student transfers
- Sewanee’s Response
- Penn’s Response
- You’re not looting if you’re white
- Agence France Presse (oh the irony) pulls offensive photo
- Stolen bus first to arrive at Astrodome
- A double dose of Colby Cosh
- Civil Responsibility
- “This disaster is shaped by race”
- The totally predictable world reaction
- The last argument of kings
- Every level of authority failed
- Constantly updated news posts
- And, of course, Curt’s eloquent post
September 5th, 2005 at 9:06 am
Apparently everyone was waiting for the Lifetime movie and forgot that the reality doesn’t just take care of itself.
September 6th, 2005 at 7:11 pm
I did open some of your sites concerning the flood in New Orleans It is really nice of Penn St. to help out. I do believe you should also include Shawn Penn, whom I thought you might be referring to. http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2005/09/sean-penn-bales-on-rescue-attempt.html A lot of people were trying to help but it looks like, at least according to Andrew Sullivan, FEMA was actually spending more time stopping help from flowing in: http://www.andrewsullivan.com/index.php?dish_inc=archives/2005_09_04_dish_archive.html#112602825634230953