March 02, 2004

Shameless Self-Promotion

Posted by shonk at 10:37 PM in Politics | TrackBack

Check out my article “Legality is not Morality”. I wrote it about a year and a half ago, but just got around to submitting it yesterday. Commentary is, of course, welcomed.


How much did Sapienza reduce that photo, shonk? It looks like a mugshot!

Good column, though.

Posted by: John Lopez at March 3, 2004 12:14 AM

He didn't reduce it at all; that's how I submitted it. It's my student ID photo. I like it, but couldn't really tell you why.

Posted by: shonk at March 3, 2004 12:20 AM

The picture is cool. You look all rugged, like you climbed out of your bedroll, shaved with your Bowie knife, and went to gird the beast University in her lair.

Great article.

Posted by: Qiwi Lisolet at March 3, 2004 02:44 PM

"Even if we agree with the sentiment of the argument, agree with the idea that the draft is slavery, etc. I contend that anti-statists must avoid this type of argument, for it only legitimizes pro-State arguments which take advantage of certain ambiguities or contradictions in the anti-statist conception of society (and these ambiguities are bound to happen; again, political theory is not mathematics). Instead, anarchists must synthesize their society, both in the abstract and in the concrete, creating a better alternative rather than simply attacking what already exists."

To me this smacks of saying that rather than just telling a thief it's wrong to steal one really ought to teach the thief a better way to live. Indeed, I find that the arguments of most statists reduce to "I can't think of another way to survive..." My answer to that is that is that the fact that he can't think of another way to survive doesn't entitle him to anything from me.

Posted by: John T. Kennedy at March 4, 2004 12:30 PM

To me this smacks of saying that rather than just telling a thief it’s wrong to steal one really ought to teach the thief a better way to live.

I'm not saying you have an obligation to teach the thief a better way to live, just that so doing is probably the only reliable way to get him to stop stealing. If that's no concern of yours, then pretty much the whole second half of the article is irrelevant to your purposes.

Posted by: shonk at March 4, 2004 05:24 PM

The most reliable way to get him to stop stealing is to make it a losing proposition.

Posted by: John T. Kennedy at March 5, 2004 03:43 AM